Tuesday, October 13, 2009


We rode the bus to Bangkok (not these) while at a rest stop we heard some very loud rock and roll music. Well I had to know where it was coming from so I went on the hunt and found these tricked out party buses. They are casino buses hauling people to and from the Thi-Cambodian boarder to gamble.

To say they are amazing would be an understatement!! Inside along with deafening music it's pulsing with neon lights. I was invited to stay but had no problem finding the exit.

Pres. Wisit president of the 1 and only stake in Thailand. One of the first members to accept the gospel in his country some 40 years ago.

This is Suriyunt, we met him on bus ride home. He is a lawyer for one of the casino's. every day 7 days a week he make the 3 hour commute to the boarder to work and then 3 hours back home.
We had a wonderful talk about the restoration and will be meeting with him in his home on our next visit to Bangkok.
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