Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 30, 2009

Today is the last day of September and we almost floated our way to the internet shop here in Siem Reap. As I had mentioned before, the monsoon season has been late this year and especially heavy- last night we had another big storm and the streets and homes in many areas are flooded. This morning on my walk, I passed by a small restaurant that was flooded up to the front doors- and the employees were out catching little fish with a small trash basket- the Cambodian people constantly teach me about keeping a positive attitude!

This has been a busy month for farewells- we had transfers as well as sending off Elder and Sister Whitesides back home. With each departure, we spend a few moments talking about our remaining time, sigh a few sighs, and then get back to work!

And speaking of the work, we have been so blessed in our KT branch with the opportunity for our elders to continue to find families to teach. Of course, not all will accept the gospel, but it has been such a blessing for us to be involved in the discussions. In the 13 months we have been here, these are our first families to be taught in KT. To see a family kneel together in prayer for the first time is truly one of the choicest experiences of our mission. I can only imagine the joy in heaven as these prayers are offered...

We continue to have monthly baptisms in both branches- we have a testimony of the power of Preach My Gospel coupled with the obedience and faithfulness of the elders to preform miracles for the Lord. At our last baptism in KT, it started to rain just as the ordinance was about to begin, but that did not dampen the Spirit or the enthusiasm these two young women had about their baptism!

During our stay here in Siem Reap this week, we had the opportunity to visit with a member and her neighbor whom she had introduced to the gospel- it shouldn't surprise you to know that this member is Sister Malee who has been such an incredible member- missionary! As we visited, the elders asked the investigator neighbor to share her feelings about the Church. This wonderful lady told us that she had attended Church several times, read the pamphlets the elders had given her, but really did not have any interest in what she was being taught- that is until she was given the Book of Mormon. As she took the book home, and began to read, tears fell from her eyes as the Spirit bore immediate and powerful witness to her soul that this book was true. We have come to know for ourselves that truly the Book of Mormon is the instrument the Lord has prepared to sweep the earth in preparing a people for His coming. No humble seeker of righteousness can read this book and not receive a wittiness of it's divinity.

Here in Asia, our Asia Area General Conference falls over the second week of October- and we are so looking forward to watching it! Every Conference becomes more precious to us as we grow in our testimony and gratitude for the blessing of living prophets and apostles upon the earth today. We pray that this Conference will be a source of personal revelation and a blessing to each of you as you prepare yourselves and your families to hear the voice of the Lord through His servants.

We love you sooo much!! We know the Lord hears your prayers for our safety and health and we want you to know that we are sustained by your love as well. The Gospel is truly the "dumnung lah nah" the "very good news"!

Hugs and hugs and hugs!!! Much love- Elder and Sister Dickerson- Grandpa and Grandma

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