Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 14, 2009

This week marked the official 1 year anniversary of our mission in Cambodia... We have struggled to define in some concise way our experiences, but have yet to come up with anything even remotely coming close to "concise"....How about just reading our blog over the last 12 months?

As I had mentioned in our last entry, August was going to be a busy month and it has been. We started the month off with our Siem Reap and KT Seminary and Institute graduations. This was the first year Seminary and Institute has been available in our branches and we are so very proud of these students. In addition to it being their first year, it was also the first year having the Doctrine and Covenants available in Khmer- so a first on two counts! Our KT Seminary teacher Seeda, who is in 12th grade, taught up to 3 lessons a day in order that her students could have the opportunity to participate in Seminary, and then she attended the weekly Institute class as well. Her devotion and commitment is an example of the truly elect spirits that the Lord has reserved to come forth in these latter days. Seeda is a member of less than two years....

Just three days later, our KT branch hosted a combined 5 branch Mutual (14 and up)/YSA activity that we have dubbed "EFY". Our five branches included Siem Reap, KT, and 3 branches from Comp Cham. This is our third activity that we have been involved with like this- but the first with the branches from the Compon Cham District. These activities are based on the concept of the "Super Saturdays" that I attended as a youth in South Carolina. It was a one day event with separate Seminary/Institute activities in the morning, a combined lunch, separating again for games and then combining again for a testimony meeting. We were privileged to have President and Sister Smedley there and they had the opportunity to speak. We had 140 youth and YSA in attendance- and then we added a few more which slipped in at the end- including some neighborhood children! Due to the large numbers and cost, certain requirements had to be met by those participating, including membership in the Church. We did make exceptions for those who were nearing baptismal dates and were approved by branch leadership. We have great hopes that these events will strengthen commitments to the Gospel, including serving missions and marriage within the Church.

The very next day was our first Zone Conference with President and Sister Smedley. Every other zone conference we combine with another zone and this time we were with Compon Cham. Elder and Sister Richards are the missionary couple serving in that area. They came out to Cambodia about a month before us and are about the same age as we are. We enjoy the times we get to be together and share our common challenges and learn from our successes! President Smedley is truly a man called of God and his wife is a working partner with him in his calling. We know this mission will grow and prosper under his inspired leadership. He loves to tell stories and he shared this one regarding discouragement. He first asked us how many had dogs that lived in the house back home.

What does your dog do when the doorbell rings?
Barks and runs to the door.
Who is usually the first one to the door?
The dog.
Is the door EVER for the dog?
But does the dog ever give up?
No! He just wags his tail, pants, and thinks "next time!"

Just two days after the hectic rush of these few days, we drove up to Siem Reap Saturday morning for our bi-weekly visit. We packed our clothes, food, and were on our way.
That night we got a call from the KT missionaries that there would not be a member of the branch presidency at church Sunday- SO! Sunday morning early we packed it all up again and made it back to KT in time for our Sunday meetings there. We have struggled and continue to struggle with the lack of local priesthood leadership in our KT branch. Our branch president is a wonderful man, but distance and family circumstances have truly hindered his ability to serve.

During this week, on the 13th, was our long planned for trip to Battenbang to visit and met with Elder and Sister Renyolds who serve there. We had a wonderful time and took so many pictures that it will take another blog to fit that in!

The month is nearly half over and we are looking forward to working with our new elders that have been assigned to our branches- this week was a major transfer and many of our wonderful elders that we have served with have finished their missions and are returning home. We have seen them become men of God and know that the Lord has prepared his future leaders. We love each of you and pray that we may all find great joy in the service of the Lord- wherever and whatever that may be!

Hugs and love!

Elder and Sister Dickerson....Grandpa and Grandma

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