Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 13, 2009

One of the great blessings of this mission has been to teach the Family Guidebook. This booklet, along with several others, was prepared just a few years ago for areas of the world where the Church is beginning to be established. The Family Guidebook is essentially a "how to" guide on the family. It covers everything from the Family Proclamation, Family Home Evening, family councils, finances, tithing, family history, to teaching a father how to exercise his priesthood to bless his family. We have divided the booklet into 12 lessons and are in the process of teaching families in both branches.

This week in Siem Reap, we had a visit with the Vwi family that was scheduled for the lesson on tithes and offerings. This is a very poor family who choose to give up two of their children to a local orphanage in order for these children to have an education. The father supports his family by moto-doping (instead of taxi's, people pay for a ride on a motorcycle). Moto-doping is a very common practice and there is great competition for customers. Most drivers generally make enough to cover their expenses with just a little extra.

As we sat on the floor with them, I really struggled.... we had heard that they had wondered where were their blessings they needed so much, and we didn't want to add to their concerns. But, the thought came into my mind, "This is a principle with a promise that they need". So we went on with the planned lesson on tithing. Our lesson included a miraculous story on tithing from President Hinckely, and Elder Dickerson's personal experience with tithing as a young man. We felt the Spirit to be there and as we concluded the lesson we asked the parents to share their thoughts with us. The father told us that for two months they had not paid their tithing. (my heart sank....) and then this month they had paid their tithing of 10,000 ria -about $2.50 in US dollars. The very week following the payment of their tithing, he earned 180,000 ria moto-doping, an almost unheard amount for a single week.

Afterwards, they pulled out a large plastic jar that they had wrapped white paper around. On the paper was a picture of the way to the temple. This was their temple jar which contained a few small bills of money. They told us they were using a large jar because they knew it would take them a long time to be able to go to the temple. For these Cambodian Saints who sacrifice greatly and live worthily, they will most likely attend the temple only once in their life.... Dear family, don't take for granted the blessings of sacrifice and the temple. We hope that these experiences that we share with you will bless you, as they have us, with a changed perspective.

We also visited with the Siem Reap Relief Society President who became very ill last week and went to the local Khmer hospital there. I remember Jacob sharing with us his experience of a local Russian hospital and I imagine the conditions are much the same. The doctors do the best they can with what is available to them...The floor of the hospital halls and rooms are lined with patients on woven mats, their families, little plastic sacks of food, and a few bundles of belongings. There is no food available in the hospital, so family members or friends bring what they can. Of course there is no refrigeration, so food spoils quickly. No sign of running water, wash basins, or general cleanliness. The nursing staff consists of family members or friends- and they also do the best they can. I could not help but think of the Savior and his compassion for the sick and afflicted, and how his heart must ache for the suffering of the people here. The atonement has truly taken on a new dimension for us as we have lived among these people, and our gratitude and love for the Savior increased equally.

This is the Lord's work......and in spite of our weaknesses and imperfections, the Lord has blessed us to see His hand and to wittness the miracles of His love. We love you so much!
Elder and Sister Dickerson ....grandpa and grandma

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