Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 25, 2009

Another chapter to add to our mission... March is our anniversary month- 31 years ago we were married in the Salt Lake Temple and the "rest of the story" began!

For our anniversary, we took the opportunity to visit the Royal Palace and it's attendant buildings while we were in Phenom Phem this month. Cambodia is the Kingdom of Cambodia and the reining monarch retains an important presence in the minds of the people and the ongoing history of this country. One of the most interesting aspect of our visit there for me was the lack of guards, security officers, or heavily secured areas. While there were some attendants, most of the palace area is completly devoid of uniformed police.

We were fortunant to be able to join in with a small group from England who had an English speaking tour guide. We were taken to the royal cornation hall, or Throne Palace, where the king is crowned and holds important audiences. The royal throne is very tall and is only used once in the king's lifetime during his cornation. After the cornation, he sits at the base of the throne on a heavily guilded chair to give aduience. Across from the Throne Palace is another building where the king in former days would step out from several stories onto a balcony where he would mount the royal elephant. Today, the royal elephant has been replaced by the royal Lexus- I'm sure more comfortable, but in my mind, certaintly not as impressive!

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