This entry was planned for our last week in Cambodia, but in spite of many months of planing and preparation, the last few weeks turned into a nonstop rush- and one 0f the things that had to be set aside for later was the final blog of our mission.
However, this delay has given me time to retrospect back on our mission, to begin the process of putting our lives back together, and gain a bit of hindsight - all of which contributes to a broader foundation for recording the final sum of our mission experience in Cambodia.
We were blessed to have the opportunity of working with our replacement couple, Elder and Sister Houser for ten days prior to our departure. It was a humbling experience for me and a very tender one as well as I watched Sister Houser in those first initial days met and courageously deal with the multitude of differences and changes in accepting the Lord's invitation to serve His children in Cambodia. Through the tears that fell, she continued to smile, and that beautiful smile radiated her determination to face this mission with courage and charity. As we listened to Elder Houser pray, we knew the Lord had blessed our branches with exactly the right couple. In addition, we knew the Lord had blessed us with the opportunity to serve for a season, and that opportunity had now passed into their hands and that the work of the Lord would grow and flourish as they served.
We feel so grateful that the Lord blessed us with that parting experience- as we compiled, recorded, organized, and shared ideas with the Houser's, we were able to look at our eighteen months in Cambodia and realize just how much our lives had intertwined with the members, elders, and the hundreds of others that had woven themselves into the fabric of our life. Cambodia truly had become our home and our life- in spite of the language barrier and cultural differences, we were "no longer strangers, but fellow citizens" in the household of God's family.
We see the world now through different eyes and know that truly God is no respecter of persons and all are beloved and loved children of His eternal family. We have seen for ourselves and testify that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the way of happiness- both in this life and in the eternities. The atonement of our Savior is the living reality of His infinite and eternal love for each of us, and through it, all injustices and inequalities of this mortal experience are wiped away and we all stand equally before the mercy and justice of God.
As we resume our "normal life", our prayer is that we may ever remain changed because of our mission to Cambodia- changed for the better in every way. We stand eternally in the Lord's debt for the opportunity and blessing to have been given the experience of our Cambodian mission. We share our testimony in closing that God lives, Jesus is the Christ- our Savior and Redeemer, that the gospel with all it's saving ordinances is once again upon the earth, and the stone, cut without hands is rolling forth to fill the earth, and we have been blessed to see for ourselves the hand of the Lord.
May the Lord's choicest blessing be with each of you- we have felt and been sustained by your faith, prayers and support in our behalf. With hearts full to overflowing we thank each of you....
Hugs and all our love,
Elder and Sister Dickerson- Grandpa and Grandma
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
January 12, 2009
If the delay between my entries is anything to judge by, our time in Cambodia is disappearing right before us...This is a time of mixed and tender emotions for us both.
In both of our branches we have preparations for the new year's changes- both in lesson materials, classes, and youth activities as we began a new Mutual year and theme. In addition, the Lord has continued to bless our branches with families that are being taught and we have loved working with our elders. We find particular joy in sharing our testimonies of the blessings that the gospel brings to families- for we can testify based on personal experience of these priceless truths.
However, we continue to be the ones blessed as we listen to, and watch in action, the faith and humility of these choice people. Last Sunday in our KT Branch we had a family of 5 confirmed. Our elders have encouraged the new members to invite our local Melchizedek priesthood holders to baptise and also do their confirmations. It is one of the most humbling and choice experiences of our mission to see a circle of Khmer brethren unite together and to hear a man who has only been a member a short time himself, have the courage and faith to open his mouth and seek revelation through the priesthood to confirm and give a blessing.... This is truly the work of God and not of man- and we can testify that we have seen His hand and His love in the lives of these people.
I am the organist in our KT branch and for nearly a year and a half now, I have sat to the side of the stand and tried to listen for the few words of Khmer that I know. As the months have gone by, I have finally become familiar with some of the words of the sacrament prayers and recognize them as they are spoken. Now, most of the children here have never seen or been close to an electric piano and it is a rare Sunday that I do not have a small group who come to sit beside me. Generally they leave for their seats as the meeting begins, but this past Sunday was an exception as I had 3 young boys stay and I didn't have time to use my limited Khmer to ask them to leave before the sacrament prayers began. None of these boys are members- they are neighborhood children who on their own initiative come to Church nearly every Sunday. Imagine the feelings of my heart as I heard the one closest to me whisper, nearly word perfectly with the priest, as he spoke the words of the prayer from the sacrament table. You simply can not experience these moments without knowing that you are on holy ground.
In the few weeks left, as we prepare to return home, we pray that the experiences we have had and shared with you, will continue to be a blessing to all of us. God truly is no respecter of persons, and in the days to come, when the Lord of Lord returns to rule and reign upon the earth, we know that these humble, child-like people will be among those whom He will call up and honor for their love and devotion to Him. It will be the challenge and opportunity of the rest of our lives, to remember and emulate the example these people have been for us.
As we have spoken with you, we know that the tender mercies of the Lord have blessed each of our lives, and may we always live to be worthy of and recognize His love for each of us.
All of our love,
Elder and Sister Dickerson- Grandpa and Grandma!
In both of our branches we have preparations for the new year's changes- both in lesson materials, classes, and youth activities as we began a new Mutual year and theme. In addition, the Lord has continued to bless our branches with families that are being taught and we have loved working with our elders. We find particular joy in sharing our testimonies of the blessings that the gospel brings to families- for we can testify based on personal experience of these priceless truths.
However, we continue to be the ones blessed as we listen to, and watch in action, the faith and humility of these choice people. Last Sunday in our KT Branch we had a family of 5 confirmed. Our elders have encouraged the new members to invite our local Melchizedek priesthood holders to baptise and also do their confirmations. It is one of the most humbling and choice experiences of our mission to see a circle of Khmer brethren unite together and to hear a man who has only been a member a short time himself, have the courage and faith to open his mouth and seek revelation through the priesthood to confirm and give a blessing.... This is truly the work of God and not of man- and we can testify that we have seen His hand and His love in the lives of these people.
I am the organist in our KT branch and for nearly a year and a half now, I have sat to the side of the stand and tried to listen for the few words of Khmer that I know. As the months have gone by, I have finally become familiar with some of the words of the sacrament prayers and recognize them as they are spoken. Now, most of the children here have never seen or been close to an electric piano and it is a rare Sunday that I do not have a small group who come to sit beside me. Generally they leave for their seats as the meeting begins, but this past Sunday was an exception as I had 3 young boys stay and I didn't have time to use my limited Khmer to ask them to leave before the sacrament prayers began. None of these boys are members- they are neighborhood children who on their own initiative come to Church nearly every Sunday. Imagine the feelings of my heart as I heard the one closest to me whisper, nearly word perfectly with the priest, as he spoke the words of the prayer from the sacrament table. You simply can not experience these moments without knowing that you are on holy ground.
In the few weeks left, as we prepare to return home, we pray that the experiences we have had and shared with you, will continue to be a blessing to all of us. God truly is no respecter of persons, and in the days to come, when the Lord of Lord returns to rule and reign upon the earth, we know that these humble, child-like people will be among those whom He will call up and honor for their love and devotion to Him. It will be the challenge and opportunity of the rest of our lives, to remember and emulate the example these people have been for us.
As we have spoken with you, we know that the tender mercies of the Lord have blessed each of our lives, and may we always live to be worthy of and recognize His love for each of us.
All of our love,
Elder and Sister Dickerson- Grandpa and Grandma!
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